Reiki Treatments- Reiki is a form of energy healing. We offer our reiki treatments in 30 minutes ($25) and 60 minute ($50.00) increments. Both Usui and Karuna reiki is offered.
Reiki Classes - Usui Reiki Level One Usui Reiki Level Two Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Karuna Reiki Level One Karuna Reiki Level Two Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher Chakra Balancing - Balancing meditation – this meditation will help to balance all of your chakras. Past Life Regressions - $35 and run about an hour. In each session you will be placed in a meditative state and regressed to one (or multiple) past lives to heal 'wounds' that you may have carried forward into this life. Home Blessings - Prices range from $15.00 - $50.00. Home Blessings can be/are done by ordained ministers. The techniques used varies by case and minister/ministry group. Baby Blessings - Baby Blessings techniques and prices are established on a case by case basis. Baby Blessings are preformed by ordained ministers. |